Appointed Actuary
Client Challenge:
Cirdan’s client did not have an in-house actuary with the qualifications to serve as their Appointed Actuary.
Our Solution:
- Cirdan’s staff filled the role of the Appointed Actuary for the health plan and prepared the required documents including:
- Actuarial Statement of Opinion
- Acutarial Memorandum
- Required Report to the Board
- Cirdan prepared the estimates of actuarial liabilities recorded by the client. This analysis included evaluation of:
- The liability for incurred but not reported claims
- Risk adjustment settlements
- Provider Value Based Contract settlements
- Medicare Part C and Part D settlements
- The need for a Premium Deficiency Reserve
- Cirdan supported the client through the review of the actuarial items by it’s external auditors, and review by the state insurance department
The Result:
By retaining Cirdan, our client had seasoned actuaries with many years of experience working with the valuation of health liabilities and statutory reporting , and experience working with auditors. The costs related to the consulting project were a fraction of the the cost of hiring an in-house actuary with the appropriate qualifications.